Monday, December 1, 2008

For the Love of Christmas, Let's Stop the Insanity.

Shopping is a time when a person buys things, not a competition. These limited time, limited inventory "sales" promote people's worst behavior, not their best as these times should be doing. Unfortunately, these sales put shoppers in a totally competitive state of mind, objectifying all others as the "competition." History is replete with examples of what people do when they objectify other human beings. The trampling incident in a Long Island, New York Wal-Mart is just a small example. One may read what the Nazi's did to the German Jews after turning them into objects to be hated. Also, one can read about all the other attempts at Genocide of one people against their neighbors. Unrestrained competition leads to people objectifying people.

Yes, unrestrained competition for jobs, resources, land, etc., can lead to, and has led to Genocide -- the gravest of all crimes. Unrestrained competition also leads to other, less serious incidents that involve the deaths of other people as well. The recent Wal-Mart incident for example. That incident in 1980, or so, in which several people were killed due to mob activity because they were in unrestrained competition for seating at a Who concert in Cincinnatti's River Front Stadium is another smaller example. Boy, despite what conservative economists would have us believe, unrestrained competition seems to be, generally, a bad thing for the public. Let me make myself clear, no one, and I mean no one, should die while shopping; zero, zippo, nil, nada, none. Exegent circumstances not withstanding like being shot, or dying in an auto accident. That people die as a result of sales being made into buying competitions is a shame that rests squarely on the shoulders of those merchants that have them. That they don't seem to expect, or care about, mob behavior makes this selling "strategy" even more abhorrent.